Where does your beef come from? As author Michael Pollan points out in his book, In Defense of Food
we have resigned one of the most intimate acts in our daily life, eating food, to an industrialized system. Mike Rainey, of Rainey Farms in South Haven, Michigan presented an alternative at the museum's last Brown Bag this summer; know your farmer and know where your food comes from. Mike raises cattle without the use of synthetic hormones or steroids and are fed only all natural ingredients. As a local farmer who also sells at the South Haven Farmer's Market, Mike is an advocate for buying food locally citing its benefits of spurring local economic growth, knowing what's in your food and where it comes from and basically better tasting food. Put away that marinade! This beef has flavor.
To order from Rainey Farms call: 1-866-655-8855. On the web at: http://www.raineyfarms.com/, E-Mail: mike@raineyfarm.com
Other resources for eating & buying local: http://www.localharvest.org/; http://www.fairfoodmatters.org/; http://www.farmersmarkets.msu.edu/
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