Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Through the Lens of L.H. Bailey" - Exhibit Extension

Falls- Ithaca, New York
Nearly 200 glass plate images, taken by Liberty Hyde Bailey at the turn of the 20th century, have been digitally scanned and are now preserved at the Liberty Hyde Bailey Museum, South Haven, Michigan. It is these images that comprise the museum's first exhibit, "Through the Lens of L.H. Bailey." For today's snapshot we offer a very deserving image that did not make it into the exhibit. More to come!

     By nature, I mean the natural out-of doors,—the snow and the rain, the sky, the plants, the animals, the running brooks,and every landscape that is easy of access and undefiled. Every person desires these things in greater or lesser degree: this is indicated by the rapidly spreading suburban movement, by the vacationing in the country, and by the astonishing multiplication of books about nature. Yet there are comparatively very few who have any intimate contact with nature, or any concrete enjoyment from it, because they lack information that enables them to understand the objects and phenomena.
    The currents of civilization tend always to take us out of our environment rather than to fit us into it. We must recast our habits of thought so as to set our faces nature-ward. This is far more important than any effort at mere simplicity or toward lopping off the redundancies: it is fundamental direction and point of view.
    The outlook to nature is the outlook to what is real, and hearty, and spontaneous. -L.H. Bailey, Outlook to Nature

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